The hilarious Oscar Nunez, who many may know from The Office, played a small but side splitting role opposite Sandra Bullock and Ryan Renolds in The Proposal back in 2009.
Now I know that the movie didn't get reviewed all that well, having a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes, but it still did incredibly well at the box office. Plus, I have yet to encounter someone who didn't like it or at least laugh a few times. When Bullock sings Get Low by Lil Jon and pops the booty, I erupt in voluminous and often times obnoxious laughter.
All of Oscar's lines were scene stealers. He really was just very funny playing a waiter, store cashier, priest, and an exotic dancer at various parts throughout the film.
Here is a video of some of his funny scenes in The Proposal. I think its hilarious in the first scene when he goes, " Eet's Washh and Wharrrrrre ("it's wash and wear" with a slight latino accent) and when Sandra and Ryan go to pick up her cell phone at the store and he's the attendant, and he jokingly dangles her cell phone in front of her and then would pull it away, all the while make a high pitched squeal like squeak. Slays me every time.
Take a Look.
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