Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Where do I even begin...

Best. Movie. Ever.

Okay, so obviously I loved it, which I knew I would regardless of the quality of the movie, just because how near and dear these films and books are to my heart.

Ralph Fiennes was just too good.  Seriously, he is Voldemort.  I loved the scene when he realizes Harry&Co. are hunting the Horcruxes, and then he goes nuts and kills everyone.  Then you see him walking hauntingly with his snake, feet covered in blood, preparing for what soon turns out to be the most epic  movie battle of all time.  He was phenomenal. 

Harry was great too.  The last two films of the series definitely showcased his acting ability to the fullest.  I have to be honest, I think out of the three leads, he's probably the least talented actor, but he really proved to me that he can step his game up when its needed.  Mazel.

Rupert Grint as Ron was, as always, very funny.  I think he will have a long career, because not only has he shown that he can nail the comedic roles without a thought, but in this last installment, he really showcased his dramatic capabilities.  


My sweet, sweet Emma.

I just love her so much, that literally, if she walked on set drooling and repeatedly farting instead of saying her lines, I would think she should still win an Oscar.  That being said, she really was fantastic.  There's this one part as Harry departs for the Forbidden Forest to face death, and Hermione, while holding back tears, says, "I'll go with you".  No joke, I cried like a little baby bitch.

Alan Rickman as Severus Snape was probably the strongest performance of the entire movie.  He really was just flawless.  As I'm writing this, I literally just got chills thinking about the part in the film that shows his past memories.  It was like, just so friggen sad.  

But that's what so great about the Potter flicks.  From the start, they had such seasoned adult actors to balance the fresh young faces of the leads, that it was almost a guarantee that the films would be well received critically.  Obviously, there was no worry about the movies making money, and they could have just thrown any old actor in the parts but instead, they went for quality, and I respect that.

Also, Maggie Smith as Prof. Mcgonagall had some great, chill inducing scenes, as did Matthew Lewis as the unsung hero, Neville Longbottom.  

HOWEVER.  I do have a few issues with the film.

Was it just me, or did anybody else feel like the movie went a little too quickly?  Granted, the second half of the book, of which this movie was based off of, moved fast as well, but still, I felt like they needed more dramatic pauses in certain places.

Another thing that bothered me?  Molly Weasley's famous line ("Not my daughter you Bitch) was SO underplayed.  In the book, the battle between Molly and Bellatrix is meant to be a huge deal.  I just felt like they rushed through it rather quickly, and that it didn't get its proper send off. 

Also, Fred Weasley's death was like, non existent.  Yes, I know, you see him dead on the floor and the family cries for about thirty seconds, but in the novel, it was like a SERIOUS deal.  If my memory serves me correctly, I might have shed a tear or two when I read it for the first time.  I barely even realized he was dead in the movie.

Lastly, I didn't love the way Voldemort finally died.  I really wanted Harry to send a curse directly at his chest, and then have Voldy himself implode in a dramatic fashion.  Instead, the snake dies, the wand flies to Harry's hand, and Voldy goes moldy and flakes away like a pile of ash.  

Regardless of those few issues, I really did love the film.  It was almost exactly as I imagined it, and the performances of all of the characters were truly incredible.  I'm really hoping that HP7p2 gets some Oscar nominations this year.  In previous years, they have been looked over and regarded as children's films, but I think this time, they might get some Academy love. 

If you haven't seen it, which I highly doubt considering it made more money on its opening weekend than ANY OTHER MOVIE IN HISTORY, go now.  Drop whatever you're doing and get your fat arse to the movie theater.  I promise you, it is more then worth it.

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