Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MiFavoritoElDiablo:DiabloCodyToMakeDirectorial Debut


My favorite, favorite, favorite screen writer, Ms. Diablo Cody, is going to be taking her first swing as a director with a film called Lamb of God, which she penned as well.

According to Mandate, which is going to produce the film, it "follows a young conservative religious woman who loses her faith after a plane crash, decides to go to Las Vegas to live the life of a sinner, and on her journey finds her way back to her faith."

It sounds stupid, but I trust DC with my life.  Juno was pure brilliance, United States of Tara is beyond genius, and her Oscar's sitting pretty, so I'm not too concerned.

And yes, I still stand by the fact that Jennifer's Body is a good watch, whether or not it got raped in it's every orifice by pretty much every major film critic out there.

Do you babe, do you.  Can't wait.

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