Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Where the fuck were all of you this weekend.  

The answer to that question? I don't really know, I can however say without a doubt, that most if not all of you didn't go to support Sid, Gail, or even Dewey Decimal.

I, on the other hand, saw it opening day, which was highly unusual for me to do.  I hate going to movies opening day, because there's usually always a crowd and you have to leave so early in order to not end up with the seats four inches from the screen or sitting indian style in the projection room.  If it's a movie I've been dying to see, what I do is wake up early the next morning and go to the first showing, insuring a good seat and silence.

So as I got to the theatre, anticipating huge crowds, I realized I may have been mistaken.

While the Scream franchise is very popular, I think that maybe they waited just a little too long to make this fourth one.  Most people who were fan's of the series are all much older now, and the younger generations more the likely have yet to see the previous three films.  

I did like the movie though.  Don't get me mistaken, it definitely is not winning any Oscars (or any other awards for the matter) any time soon, but I was entertained and into it the entire time.  Maybe it's because I'm a big fan, but I did like most of it.  I thought the ending was interesting, and surprising, but it was clear to me that it would have been a much better film if Kevin Williamson didn't leave mid-way through production because of creative differences. 

Regardless, Scre4m made around 18 million on it's opening weekend, which was much lower than the studio predicted.  Rio, the animated film staring The Social Network's Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway, came in first, with 40 million.

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