Friday, March 11, 2011

Waiting Does Suck: Teaser Trailer for Season 4 of Trueblood Hits the Net

HBO's breakout hit show, Trueblood, is slated to be back on June 12th.  Sadly, I highly doubt I can wait that long.  I have been in love with this show since it's inception, and "waiting sucks" is the under statement of the century.  This season, I read that witches will be introduced into the mix.  I personally think that is going to be amazing, hopefully adding a little more magic to a show where most super natural occurrence occurs by spilling a few gallons or so of blood........every thirteen seconds.  Maybe we can get a nice telekentic witch who can fuck shit up with out having to play with his or her food.  Well, I guess if it's a male with, like Lafayette's boyfriend who we met last season, I guess they would technically be called a warlock.

Maybe then could let Charlie Sheen audition? He would save them a bundle on special affects by just using his own warlock gifts.

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