Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Trailer Park: HP7, Limitless, Rango, and The Lincoln Lawyer

I feel like there's some good movies on the horizon, some that I'm actually really looking forward too.  As you can probably tell by the Harry Potter and the DH P2 countdown clock in the right hand corner, I might be a little bit into Harry Potter.

I might have read the 7th book 4 times over winter break. NBD.

Anyway, the 8th and final installment of the world wide phenomenon lands in theets July 15th, and I am a little more then excited.
Just watching the preview, a warm yellow substance eradicates down mi leg.  I don't know if eradicate is the correct word, but it sure sounded good didn't it.

Anyway-here are the other previews/trailers for the other films I'm trying to see ASAP.
Limitless-A starring vehicle for B. Coop
The Lincoln Lawyer-Matt Mc-on-a-hay's latest, has a 100% fresh rating on rotten tomatoes, which i trust implicitly with my movie reviewing.  Also the trailers dope.
Rango-Johnny Depp and Isla Fisher voice the characters in the latest animated movie, which has been reviewed very well, so I figure I'll give it a shot.  Animated movies either do really well or they bomb, and when they bomb its tough on studios because they're ridic amounts of dough to make (like 150 million dollars to produce kinda cash).  I like both Depp and Isla so (not that my one ticket purchase will alter their film's reputation) I think I may have to go see it this weekend.

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