Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Its Official: Elizabeth Taylor has Passed Away

As I reported a few days ago, for months, The Great Elizabeth Taylor has not been doing well.  She had been in and out of hospitals and looking worse by the day.  Sadly, today, it was confirmed that Ms. Taylor has indeed passed on.  
She really was probably the biggest movie star ever to have lived.  When I say movie star, I don't just mean to only regard her acting, which as many know was iconic in itself, eventually winning the Best Actress Oscar twice for Butterfield 8 and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, but also the life style.  She was almost equally known for her memorable performances as she was for her personal life. She was married 7 times, wore the most lavish clothes and jewelry to exist on earth, and was constant tabloid fodder before there even were tabloids.  

R.I.P Liz, you were, are, and will always be a legend, as well as the definition of the golden era of hollywood.  

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