Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fun Fact of The Day: Eminem is an Academy Award Winner

So this morning I woke up to the rap stylings of the one and only Eminem.  I left my tv on as i fell asleep with a jelly filled donut half in my mouth, and now, half on my shirt.  Anyway, I digress.  The movie 8 mile was on my tv when I woke up, and then i remembered something,Did anyone out there know that Em won an Oscar for best song ( Lose Yourself) for this movie.  Just thought that was interesting.  A side note, 3 6 Mafia Also won the oscar for best song, for Hustle and Flow.  Who Knew.  Guess in recent years the Academy has been more open to different genres then what is normally accepted.  Anyway, Mazel Tov Em, the songs been hot for a while, and I'm glad that it was acknowledged, especially for its lyrical content which really is quite impressive, by something as prestigious as the academy.  

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